CBS's Mission Unstoppable Features Brenna Argall


CBS's Mission Unstoppable Features Brenna Argall


The CBS show Mission Unstoppable with Miranda Cosgrove recently featured Brenna Argall, PhD, director, argallab, in a story about new robotics technology being added to assistive devices.


"We do this to make operating assistive devices accessible to people with very severe motor impairments," she said.

In the piece, Dr. Argall explained how assistive technologies currently found in automobiles — such as lane assist, emergency braking and automatic parallel parking — are being integrated to make power wheelchairs into an option for individuals who are currently unable to use them.


"Different people want different amounts of assistance. They don't want a 100-percent autonomous, driverless wheelchair; they want a shared control wheelchair," Dr. Argall said. "Getting that control sharing right is tough. It's actually where a lot of our research lies — trying to figure out what is the right way to share control between the machine and the human."

In addition, Dr. Argall's appearance on Mission Unstoppable recently was highlighted by the student-run newspaper. 

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