Todd Kuiken and Frank Ursetta of the Center for Bionic Medicine demonstrated CBM's convertible wheelchair at the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research’s (NIDILRR) 40th anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 18


Center for Bionic Medicine Wheelchair Featured at NIDILRR Celebration


A revolutionary wheelchair developed by SRAlab researchers was prominently featured at a celebration for the ’s (NIDILRR) 40th anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 18. It was the only example of NIDILRR-funded technology showcased at the event, which was attended by Alex Azar, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), among other leaders in government and research.

Todd Kuiken, MD, PhD, director emeritus, and Frank Ursetta, mechanical engineer, of the Center for Bionic Medicine (CBM) demonstrated the wheelchair, which can convert easily from sitting to standing position.


Lance Robertson, HHS’s assistant secretary for aging, introduced the demonstration as an example of how NIDILRR-backed research improves lives.


The first-of-its-kind wheelchair has a low-cost design and is intended to increase independence, accessibility and quality of life for those who use manual wheelchairs, while reducing the risk of illness and sores.

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