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RehabMeasures Instrument

Motor-free Visual Perception Test


Assesses visual perceptual skills in 5 areas: Spatial relationships, Figure–ground discrimination, Visual discrimination, Visual closure, and Visual memory.

Link to Instrument

Acronym MVPT-3

Assessment Type

Performance Measure

Administration Mode

Paper & Pencil


Not Free

Actual Cost


Cost Description

The complete kit costs approximately $140; The manual is approximately $40 (as of September, 2010)


  • Pediatric + Adolescent Rehabilitation
  • Stroke Recovery


Key Descriptions

  • 36 items involving 2 dimensional configurations presented on separate cards (also?called?"plates").

    Each?card?has an example and a multiple choice response set of 4 alternatives (A,B,C,D) from which the participant?chooses the item that matches the example.?

    Participants?points to or says the letter that corresponds to the desired option.

    Guidelines have been developed for the administration and interpretation of the test?for adult populations,?however, the original test?materials?are required for administration (Bouska & Kwatny 1982).

    One point is given for each correct response. Scores range from 0 to 36. In addition to summary scores, the time?to complete each item is noted and an average time per item calculated.

Number of Items


Equipment Required

  • Testing Kit Necessary (Test Cards (Plates) and Manual) ASIN: B002BV2OQO

Time to Administer

10-15 minutes

Required Training

Reading an Article/Manual

Age Ranges

Preschool Child

2 - 5



6 - 12



13 - 17



18 - 64


Elderly Adult

65 +


ICF Domain

Body Function

Measurement Domain



  • Three versions of the measure have been developed:
    • MVPT
    • MVPT-R (Revised)
    • MVPT-3 (limited research available)

Do you see an error or have a suggestion for this instrument summary? Please e-mail us!


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Normative Data

Normative data (U.S.) is available for adults aged 18 – 80 (Bouska & Kwatney 1982), normative for older adults (aged 50+) has been proposed.


Adult norms can be found in:

Bouska, M. and E. Kwatny (1982). "Manual for the application of the motor-free visual perception test to the adult population." Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center.

Test/Retest Reliability

MVPT-R Children: (Colarusso & Hammill, 1972; reported in Brown et al, 2003; n = 167 children of various ages)

  • Excellent test-retest reliability, 20 days between assessments  (r = 0.77 to 0.83)


MVPT-3 Adults and Adolescence: (Colarusso & Hammill, 2003; n = 28 participants aged 11 to 84 years)

  • Excellent test-test reliability, 34 days between assessments (r = 0.92)

Internal Consistency

MVPT-R Children: (Colarusso & Hammill, 1996; sample = children of various ages)

  • Excellent internal consistency (r = 0.81 to r = 0.84)

Criterion Validity (Predictive/Concurrent)

Acute Stroke: (Cate & Richards, 2000; n = 30 CVA & 20 non-CVA participants; mean age = 58.7 (13.43) years; mean time since stroke onset = 4.25 (3.49) weeks)

  • Excellent concurrent validity: Visual screening scores (acuity, visual field deficits, oculomotor skills and visual attention/scanning) and MVPT scores (r = 0.75)

Construct Validity

No significant difference between patients with right hemisphere versus left hemisphere lesions. However, patients with right hemisphere lesions generally demonstrated poorer performance on the (original) MVPT (York & Cermak, 1995)

Content Validity

MVPT-R: (Brown et al, 2003; mixed sample)

Development based on five visual categories proposed by Chaifant & Scheffelin (1969) as well as an item analysis.


Bouska, M. and Kwatny, E. (1982). "Manual for the application of the motor-free visual perception test to the adult population." Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Rehabilitation Research and Training Centre.

Brown, G., Rodger, S., et al. (2003). "Motor-Free Visual Perception Test-Revised: an Overview and Critique." The British Journal of Occupational Therapy 66(4): 159-167.

Cate, Y. and Richards, L. (2000). "Relationship between performance on tests of basic visual functions and visual-perceptual processing in persons after brain injury." Am J Occup Ther 54(3): 326-334.

Colarusso, R. and Hammill, D. (1996). Motor free visual perceptual test, examiner's manual, Novato, CA: Academic Therapy Publications, Inc.

York, C. D. and Cermak, S. A. (1995). "Visual perception and praxis in adults after stroke." Am J Occup Ther 49: 543-550.