What EMG Signal may look like!

Using Sensors and EMG Biofeedback to Increase Upper Limb Voluntary Output after Stroke or SCI

Contact Information



**Project has temporarily been put on hold, contact dfox@sralab.org for more details**


Project Summary

We combine sensors with fun, interactive computer games in order to strengthen arm muscles after stroke or SCI. Our sensors record electromyography (EMG) signals, which measure muscle contractions; these contractions are used to give “biofeedback” during the games. This “biofeedback” is intended to improve arm mobility and increase muscle activation and control over time.

This is a FREE program offered by the Perez Lab Team in the Arms and Hands Lab at Shirley Ryan! We’d love to have you join us. Please reach out to Daniel Fox (dfox@sralab.org) with any questions, or to schedule your visit!

Related publications:

Brucker and Bulaeva, 1996 - Biofeedback Effect on EMG Responses on Patients with SCI

De Biase, et al. 2011 - Increased EMG Response Following Biofeedback Treatment of Rectus Femoris in SCI

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