blue background with red rectangles

Visual Feedback of Kinematic Chain in a Redundant Novel Task


This study utilizes a wearable data glove system that translates hand movements into signals that control a cursor on a screen. We examined how participants learn a redundant novel task, which can be completed through various solutions. The task involved using the hand to control a virtual 3-link kinematic chain to move a cursor to different targets on the screen. We observed participants' learning processes both with and without visual feedback of the chain. Additionally, we analyzed their movements, assessing the effectiveness of the chain's control by evaluating task space and null space variance as participants gained practice. 

Our findings indicate that participants with visual feedback initially performed better, but by the end of the experiment, those without visual feedback performed at similar levels to those with it. Future research will explore tasks involving higher degrees of freedom and investigate how other sensory modalities impact performance and learning under restricted conditions.

Team Member: Marsalis Smith

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