Regenerative Neurorehabilitation Laboratory

The Franz Lab at the 2018 Les Turner ALS Symposium

Posted By Dom D'Andrea



Several members of the Lab for Regenerative Neuro-Rehabilition will present posters at the . Topics from lab members approach peripheral nerve regeneration from several different angles.

  • Maria Jose Quezada, Kristin Cotton, and Dr Colin Franz explain the mechanism and engineering behind a new device to model in vitro neural stretch trauma.
  • Dom D'Andrea, Alexander Telenson, and Dr Colin Franz present findings on axon regeneration in a human xenograft model of muscle reinnervation using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived motor neurons.
  • Dr Audrey Leung and Dr Colin Franz present findings on using botulinum toxin to aid neuron recovery post-injury, as a new method of inducing a positive conditioning lesion effect.
  • Dr Debbie Lee, Maria J. Quezada, Kristen Cotton, and Dr Colin Franz present data on an in vitro neurotrauma system to evaluate the effect of a common BDNF genetic polymorphism on the survival of human cortical neurons generated from induced pluripotent stem cells.

Many other labs will present on a variety of topics related to ALS, and the Symposium will host talks from researchers and clinicians alike. This one-day event will take place on Monday, November 12, 2018, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Les Turner ALS Center at Northwestern Medicine. Professionals, and patients and families affected by ALS are welcome.