Marc Slutzky, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator, Associate Professor of Neurology (Comprehensive Neurology), McCormick School of Engineering and Physiology

My Lab

My Lab

Slutzky Neuroprosthetics Laboratory

Our laboratory uses neural prosthetics to improve both our understanding of brain function as well as restoring movement and communication.

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About Me

In the clinical realm, Dr. Slutzky sees both general neurology and epilepsy patients. In addition to the clinical responsibilities, his research is focused on neural prosthetics, including brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) and myoelectric computer interfaces (MCIs). BMIs are devices that translate signals from the cerebral cortex and use them to control a variety of outputs such as a computer cursor, prosthetic limb, or electrically-stimulated muscles in a paralyzed limb. BMIs could allow patients with severe paralysis (quadriplegic or “locked-in,” for example from ALS or spinal cord injury) to interact with their environment and potentially regain the use of a limb again. We are investigating the use of BMIs as a rehabilitative tool to drive changes in the brain's wiring. In addition, this technology could also provide a way for such impaired subjects to communicate by directly decoding their intended speech from the cortex. Our ultimate goal is to optimize BMIs to the point that they can safely and effectively be used in humans for long-term applications.
 We are also developing MCIs to help improve arm function in people who have had a stroke. We have designed a portable interface that subjects can use to play games using signals from individual muscles that help improve their arm movement


320 E. Superior St, Searle 11-567

Chicago, IL 60611

Education & Training

  • Education

    1998 – 2000

    MD: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (2002)

    1998 – 2000

    Northwestern University, Ph.D.

  • Postgraduate Training

    2006 – 2006

    Resident: Northwestern University, McGaw Medical Center (Northwestern Memorial Hospital),

Recent Publications

Mugler EM, Tomic G, Singh A, Hameed S, Lindberg EW, Gaide J, Alqadi M, Robinson E, Dalzotto K, Limoli C, Jacobson T, Lee J, Slutzky MW
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair
doi: 10.1177/1545968319834903

Honors & Awards

  • Fellow, American Neurological Association
  • ? Senior Member, IEEE