College of Graduate, Research and Online Education (GROE)
As our name suggests, GROE is committed to growing both graduate and online education, in addition to research through grant awards at UNI. GROE offers support for faculty and staff in the development of program offerings, as well as support services for our graduate and online learners. In addition, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides preaward, postaward and research compliance services for UNI's faculty and staff who engage in seeking and managing externally funded projects.

On-Campus Graduate Programs
Division of Graduate Studies
Online Graduate & Undergraduate Programs
Division of Online Education & Individual Studies
Research & Sponsored Programs
Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
Our Staff

Stephanie Huffman
Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
Dean of the College of Graduate, Research and Online Education
Email Stephanie Huffman →
Graduate Studies Office: 319-273-2748 / ODE Office: 319-273-7206