241 Results
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Todd Kuiken: A Prosthetic Arm that Feels

Watch this TED talk to hear RIC expert Dr. Todd Kuiken describe cutting-edge discoveries that are changing the lives of people with amputations and limb deficiencies.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

eyes black and white face

Locked-in Syndrome

Locked-in Syndrome is a condition in which all voluntary muscles of the body are paralyzed, except for those that control eye movements.

Media Type

Info Sheet

LifeCenter Item


Brain Injury Implications

This 2-part video explains aspects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that are important for first responders to know. The video also offers helpful strategies for the families and caregivers of TBI survivors.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

decorative image for LIFE Center

Center for Aphasia Research and Treatment

Center for Aphasia Research and Treatment investigates novel ways to treat aphasia and conducts research studies to establish the effectiveness of treatments.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item


Henry B. Betts LIFE Center: Services and Programs

he Henry B. Betts LIFE Center is a multimedia education center that provides opportunities for learning, innovation, family, and empowerment for people with disabilities, their families, health professionals, and the community.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

group of people

Listing: Advocacy Groups for People with Disabilities

This is a listing of local and national organizations that aim to empower individuals and influence political, economic, and social institutions with the goal of independent living for people with disabilities.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

prosthetic arm for upper limb amputation

Listing: Limb Loss and Amputation

A list of resources to support a person in adapting to life with a change of limbs. These resources offer support and discovery within a community of others who are thriving with amputation and limb loss.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

abilitylab gardens

Aging Through the Lifespan

Aging across the lifespan addresses the inevitable of those who sustain life through the years. Aging may be more complex for persons who have experienced a traumatic physical event, have a congenital or acquired chronic condition.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

Reeve Foundation Paralysis Center

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation- Paralysis Resource Guide

The Christopher Reeve foundation and paralysis Resource Guide is available for free to download for persons with Spinal Cord Injury.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

Header Logo MSKTC

Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center MSKTC

Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC), is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury SCI - Traumatic Brain Injury TBI and Burn Injury.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item