18 Results
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Prosthetics - Elephant Prosthetic

Chhouk is an orphaned baby elephant in Cambodia who had to have his leg amputated due to an injury. This video depicts how an international team worked together to fit Chhouk with a prosthesis.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item


Pathways.org - TEAM Belong: That Every Ability May Belong

Pathways Team W: That every ability May Worship provides interfaith educational materials, events, and cash grants to assist congregations to welcome members of all abilities as active participants so that a sense of belonging is conveyed.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

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Joes Journey

Joe's Journey” tells the story of everything that was lost that day of Joe's brain injury, but, more importantly, of all that survived.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

bubbles over a lake

Spiritual Care Communities Supportive to Inclusion

This is a list of spiritual care communities that support and assist people who experience challenges with inclusion such as gender, race and physical disability in an open and accessible way.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item

mountains with peach clouds reflected in water

Living with Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury - Reflections

Living with a severe disability for over 26 years has provided many useful insights. David Farber, TBI and SCI survivor, and nature photographer shares his personal reflection upon his 55th birthday.

Media Type

Info Sheet

LifeCenter Item

black background with cameo portrait with blue circle

Reflections on Stroke and Recovery - Personal Story

Stroke survivor, Mark Egleston, shares his personal story on Stroke and recovery in hope to shed light on insights and strategies that can impact positive motivation and success.

Media Type

Info Sheet

LifeCenter Item

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Wheelchair Athlete: Anjali Forber-Pratt

Paralympian gold medalist, elite wheelchair racer, and PhD graduate from the University of Illinois, Anjali Forber-Pratt talks about life with a disability and her winning attitude.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

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Suicide Survivorship - Stories of Hope and Recovery

Features the stories of 4 people who survived suicide attempts. Told through voices of these individuals, their families, and support professionals.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

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Awakening: Becoming a Brain Tumor Thriver

View these two videos about the journey of Eric Anthony Galvez who used his expertise as a physical therapist after he was confronted with a brain tumor. He survived and thrived following surgery, radiation therapy, and making a new life.

Media Type

Online Video

LifeCenter Item

paint brushes

Listing: Artists and Disabilities

This collection of websites and community resources features a spectrum of art and people with disabilities who are creating inspirational, beautiful, amazing, and provocative works of imagery and creativity.

Media Type

Online Resource

LifeCenter Item