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Improving Arm Movement Using Wearable Device After Stroke
Shirley Ryan 香港六合彩即时开奖 is evaluating a new rehab therapy using wearable devices and a video game interface to improve arm movement after stroke. Participants use these wearable devices, called myoelectric computer interfaces, to play video games using their arm muscles.
Age Range
At least 18 years old
Clinical Trial
Home Trial of Manual Standing Wheelchair
A home trial of a standing wheelchair to obtain real world assessment of using a standing wheelchair in the home or work environment.
Age Range
Clinical Trial
Evaluation of Powered Lower Limb Prostheses
To refine and evaluate socket design, mechanical components, control mechanisms, control electronics and training of powered lower limb prosthetic devices for amputees.
Age Range
Ages 18-95
Clinical Trial
Quantitative Measurement of Cognitive Workload via EEG during Ambulation
The purpose of this study is to measure cognitive workload via EEG during ambulation.
Age Range
Ages 18-95
Clinical Trial
Tracking the evolution of spasticity in acute stroke
This study will measure arm muscle weakness and spinal cord changes following post stroke.
Age Range
Adults (> 18)
Clinical Trial
Can H-Reflex down conditioning reduce spasticity in stroke survivors?
The purpose of this study is to study the effects of reflex training as a new intervention to help with spasticity, a motor impairment that can occur during the recovery after a stroke.
Age Range
Adults (18-85)
Clinical Trial
Modulating stimuli intensity to improve clinical outcomes in aphasia treatment
We are conducting a research study that will help us understand how to better schedule speech and language therapy. The therapy can be done from home on either your personal computer or laptop that we will lend to you.
Age Range
At least 18 years old
Clinical Trial
C-STAR Movement Database
The purpose of this study is to collect data from varying populations to create a database for clinicians and researchers.
Age Range
Clinical Trial
Safety, Reliability, and Efficacy of the Harmony SHR Upper Extremity Robotic Rehabilitation System in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting for Patients With Acute Stroke
The purpose of this study is to the use of an upper extremity robotic rehabilitation system for persons with impaired functional use of one or both upper extremities due to stroke.
Age Range
Clinical Trial
Wearable Sensors and Video Recording for Children (Birth to 24 Months) to Monitor Motor Development
The purpose of this study is to collect wearable sensor and video data to develop a way to detect atypical motor behavior and development in infants.
Age Range
0-24 months
Clinical Trial
Wearable Airbag Technology to Mitigate Falls in Individuals With High Fall Risk
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of a smart airbag system that detects and mitigates fall-related impact in individuals with high fall risk.
Age Range
Clinical Trial
Power Forward Study: A Cross-Sector, Multisite Clinical Trial of a Powered Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis
The purpose of this study is to compare the impact of using the Nomad powered KAFO in people who have had a musculoskeletal or neurological injury that has affected their ability to walk.
Age Range
Clinical Trial