ࡱ> EGD -bjbjߍ "B%4 4      $-4 aaaaaaaa*"paaaae9aa999i:aa9a99`O  0#,"9"O9Ocaaa4 :   The Functional Behavior Profile Baum, C., Edwards, D. & Morrrow-Howell, N. Washington University,St. Louis Mo. The FBP is designed to obtain from the primary caregiver the overall capacity for their loved one to engage in tasks, social interactions and problem solving. All of the questions relate to how their loved one performs in their daily activities. As a reference, the caregiver should respond based upon the person's behavior during the past week. (It can be administered in interview or self scored format). My family member: Score Is able to concentrate on a task for : |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ over 25 min. 5-15 min. 3-5 min. 1-3 min. <1 min. 2. Finishes the tasks that have been started. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 3. Performs work that is neat. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 4. Can use tools or instruments in performing tasks.(kitchen, hobby, razor) |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 5. Can manipulate small items (hand work, buttoning, makeup) |0|4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 6. Activities are appropriate to the time of day (sleeps at night, alert during the day) |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 7. Performs work that is accomplished within a reasonable time frame. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 8. Makes simple decisions independently like what to wear, what to eat , what to do around the house. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 9. Can solve a problem when given repeated assistance. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 10. Takes responsibility for tasks that previously have been theirs.(Includes responsibilities for cooking, cleaning, home-maintenance). |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 11. Can respond to a one-step command. ( directions to do only one thing, like sit here, or take my hand). |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 T__ S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 12. Shows enjoyment in activities. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 13. Participates in activities. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 14. Performs activities without frustration. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 15. Continues an activity when frustrated. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 16. Can identify familiar persons. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 17. Initiates conversation with family. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 18. Socializes when others initiate the interactions. Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 19. Expresses him or herself appropriate to the situation. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 20. Is able to make a decision when presented with choices. ||4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 21. Can learn a simple activity without difficulty ( stirring, wiping dishes). |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 S__ P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 22. Can respond to a two-step command. ( directions to do two things in sequence like open the door and get the paper). ||4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 23. Can respond to a three-step command. (directions to do three things in sequence like open the door, get the paper and if Mary is in the yard tell her to come in for dinner). |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 24. Can learn a complex activity without difficulty (a new game, directions). |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 25. Knows the day of the week and/or date. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 26. Independently makes complex decisions. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) 27. Can solve a problem without assistance. |4____________|3_____________|2_____________|1___________|0 P__ Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never (100%) (80%) (50%) (20%) (<10%) SubTotal T__/11 S__/11 P__/9 Total Score: ________ Scoring: Total those marked according to the key on the side (defines the factors) You can use the task performance, social interaction, and problem solving scales separately or use a total score.  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