Recent Lab News
Dr. Adewuyi Awarded Fellowship
Dr. Adenike Adewuyi, MD, PhD, has been awarded the prestigious Starzl Scholar Award, which provides fellowship salary support as part of the Pre-K program.
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Drs. Colin Franz & Adenike Adewuyi Publish Review on Nerve Transfer Surgery for SCI
The Journal of Neurophysiology recently published a review by Adenike Adewuyi, MD, and Colin Franz, MD, PhD, that proposes a framework for evaluating patients with spinal cord injuries to determine their candidacy for nerve transfer surgery.
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Dr. Colin Franz Featured on Les Turner ALS Symposium Day `21
Dr. Franz discusses the clinical importance of lower motor neuron degeneration after spinal cord injury at this years Les Turner Symposium ALS Day 2021.
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Lab Alumni
We value every member of our lab and are proud to support their growth and professional development.
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Ellie Farr 2021 Resident Baskin Award Winner For Diaphragm COVID-19 Study
Ellie Farr?won the Sarah Baskin award for the top resident research project for her study on diaphragm muscle dysfunction in survivors of severe COVID-19.?
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Kristen Cotton Admitted to PhD Program at UIC
Regenerative Neurorehabilitation Lab's Research Assistant, Kristen Cotton, has been accepted into the PhD program at UIC for Fall 2021.
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Franz Lab Publishes Electrical Stimulation Article
Regenerative Neurorehabilitation Lab publishes in the May 2021 Advanced Functional Materials Journal an article on electrical stimulation for peripheral nerve damage.
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3D Cortical Spheroid Article Makes Cover of Science Advances 2021
The team of the Regenerative Neurorehabilitation Laboratory collaborated with Northwestern research labs to have an article published in the March 2o21 issue of Science Advances, with the 3D multifunctional neural interface lab illustration on the front cover.
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